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Bulk upload report sharing permissions

Easily bulk upload report sharing permissions for viewers and owners using our export/import feature.

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated this week

Who can use this feature?

Available on:

  • All Culture Amp subscriptions that include Engagement or Effectiveness (Manager and Team Effectiveness surveys).

Easily bulk upload report sharing permissions for multiple viewers and report owners using our bulk export/import feature. This streamlines the process and reduces manual effort.

Note: When you duplicate a survey, report shells (reporting groups and assigned viewers) carry over from the original survey. Upon launch, these shells will update based on participants' current demographics.

Tip: Any viewers bulk uploaded will not overwrite previously selected viewers. To remove viewers, you can bulk remove or de-select them manually from the surveys Sharing page.

Preparation of your file

Export Report Viewers

To get started, export the report viewers from the Sharing page of your survey. Click Manage report viewers > Export to download the template.

Template overview

Your exported template will resemble the following structure:

Adding report viewing permissions

Update email addresses

In the spreadsheet, add the email addresses of report viewers in Column A. For multiple viewers for the same report, duplicate the report line accordingly. If you are not adding a viewer to a particular report, delete that row from the file.

Report status

Be mindful of report statuses:

  • Unreportable: Do not assign viewers; these reports will never meet the reporting group minimum set for the survey. You can delete these rows from the file.

  • Not yet reportable: Caution advised; insufficient responses may prevent report generation, as the number of submitted responses for the survey so far is less than the reporting group minimum.

  • Insufficient responses: This appears for closed surveys. No need to assign viewers; data will not be visible as the responses are below the reporting minimum required. You can delete these rows from the file.

Adding Report Owners

Assign permissions

In Column E, enter "yes" for report owners and "no" for non-owners. Only one report owner can be assigned per report.

Tip: For more details on the differences between permissions, check our guide on assigning Report Viewers and Owners

Uploading your file


Save your updates as a .xlsx file. Navigate back to the surveys Sharing page and select Manage report viewers > Import to upload your filled template.


After selecting the import button, we will validate your file for errors. If issues arise, you’ll see an error screen, allowing you to download a spreadsheet detailing the errors.

Resolving errors

Make necessary corrections, then re-upload. Once resolved, you’ll see a green confirmation message indicating no errors in your file. Click Import to complete the upload. This process may take a moment.

Note: After importing, reports are not automatically shared. Click Publish and notify to share with viewers. More details can be found in our report sharing guide.

Common errors

  • Report 'XXXX' does not exist: Ensure the report name matches exactly, with no extra spaces.

  • No user specified for the report: Remove that row from your file if no viewer is being assigned.

  • Email 'XXXX' does not match any user: Ensure the correct email has been used and that it belongs to an active user profile.

  • CSV must have 'XXXX' column: Maintain all exported column headers for successful imports. Do not remove or edit header names.

  • Skipping: This is not an error, but indicates no changes were made for that report; no action needed.

  • Not enough responses to generate a report: This means the number of participants that have submitted a response so far are below the reporting group minimum.


Email column: Ensure viewer emails belong to active profiles.

Not assigning Viewers to a report? Remove that report row from the file.

Multiple Viewers for one report? Duplicate the row for each viewer.

Report names: Must match exactly with those in the platform (no extra spaces or characters).

Do not edit column names Columns must remain exactly as exported.

Report Owner column: Fill with "yes" or "no"; only one owner per report.

Import status column: Delete before upload; this is for internal error tracking.


Can I upload viewers to reports in batches?

Yes! Start by exporting report viewers and use the template to assign viewers. Delete any report rows not requiring updates, then upload as usual. Repeat for future batches.

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