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Set Up and Configure Individual Effectiveness 360 Surveys
Set Up and Configure Individual Effectiveness 360 Surveys

How to set up and configure your Individual effectiveness 360 surveys from design principles and survey settings, to communications

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over 8 months ago

What can I learn from this page?

How to set up and configure your Individual effectiveness 360 surveys from design principles and survey settings, to communications

Who is this guide for?

Account Admins, Survey Admins, Survey Creators

Designing Your Survey

There are a few key principles behind the design of the Individual Effectiveness survey:

  • No ratings or scores: as a tool for development, scores can be counterproductive for an individual's motivation to improve and grow. This also replicates - as close as possible - a real life feedback conversation between colleagues.

  • Feedback is forward focused: our questions are designed to help an individual understand the key things they are doing well and should keep doing, and the most important things they should focus on to make themselves, their team and organization more successful.

  • Short survey with an emphasis on qualitative feedback: by moving quickly through the survey, individuals can focus instead on providing higher quality reinforcing and corrective feedback on the areas that matter most. For those receiving feedback, they can quickly identify the areas they should focus on without the distraction of scores or being swamped by negative feedback pointing out everything they are doing badly.

  • Relevant across roles: the template is designed to be used across most roles, regardless of level or function. The questions are suitable whether someone is a manager, an executive or an individual contributor.

As with all of our surveys, the template can be customized to suit your organization. Before you consider making any changes, please consult our Guide to Individual Effectiveness Survey Design.

Employee Data

Culture Amp's Individual Effectiveness feedback process requires only that Name and Email Address details are supplied and updated for anyone expected to receive, provide and review feedback (no demographics required!). You may choose to load demographics to help in your analysis of aggregated results. Take a look at Updating the User File for instructions on how to make changes in your account.

💡 Tip: If you generally include only First Names in the Name field of your user file, you'll want to ensure that anyone receiving feedback has this information updated to include their full name (since it is cited in the email communications to Reviewers and Coach, these individuals will need to be clear on who they should be providing feedback for). Try and use names people are familiar with not always their legal name), as employees can search by name when choosing reviewers.

📌 Note: Non-Roman characters are not searchable in certain parts of our effectiveness surveys (see below for areas and workaround). For example: users names listed in the Korean language in their user profiles are not searchable in certain areas of Effectiveness.

  • The Nominations selection form supports non-Roman character searches

  • The Admins & Coaches reviewer configuration form (such as when an Admin manually creates a 360 process) does not support non-Roman character searches.

    You will need to use the following workaround: Add Roman (English) characters to the users' profile ‘Name’ tab so that they become searchable temporarily. Remove it / change it back afterwards.

Survey Settings

Individual Effectiveness surveys have several 360 specific settings to choose from during setup. See: Guide to 360 flows and permissions for employees, coaches and administrators

1. Who do you want to start 360s?

Choose Administrators only when you want to have complete control over the process. This suits organizations who want to launch batches 360s in a controlled way.

If your aim is to put the control in the hands of your employees then Employees and Administrators is for you. This lets employees start and launch their own 360s at whatever time and frequency they like or feel comfortable with. Administrators are still able to create and launch 360s at their discretion.

Many customers start with Administrators only. Once they build a culture of feedback they let their employees take more control.

2. Do you want to use coaches?

Coaches support employees through the development process. They help employees reflect on feedback, choose focus and take action. Coaches are often managers, but can also be mentors, HR professionals. Anyone who is able to offer this kind of support.

You can Require Coaches at a survey level. If used, coaches must perform certain tasks on a 360 they are coaching:

  • Check the feedback given on the 360 and choose when to release (or share) it with the employee

  • "Complete" the 360 and lock in the action plan

A coach can also perform other (optional) tasks:

  • Check and change reviewers

  • Send reminders

If No Coaches are used, employees can perform these coaching actions.

If your employees have never done a 360 before, it is very helpful to have a coach to support them through the process, reflect on feedback and choose focus.

3. Feedback reporting

Feedback in reporting is grouped by the type of reviewer (Manager, Coworker, Direct Report).

Show Reviewer Names lists the names of reviewers who were asked for feedback in each of these groups. This does not show who actually responded, or link any specific feedback to reviewers.


Survey Setup and Communications

  1. Create your survey from the 'Individual Effectiveness' template in your account. See Creating Surveys for instructions.

  2. Step through and update the survey configuration pages, as required (Settings, Administrators and so on).

  3. In the Questions and Demographics pages, you should review Questions, Demographics and Take Action (using the navigation tabs at the top of that page to switch between) in light of the survey design guidance provided in your training.

  4. Review and customize each of the Communications templates to suit the needs of your organization. Use these emails to provide the context each individual will need to participate successfully in the process (Employee, Reviewer and Coach). Use Preview to see which emails are sent one 360 at a time, versus one email with a list of all people's 360s included.

📌 Note:

  • To ensure Reviewers know what to consider when providing individual feedback our Tips For Providing Effective Individual Feedback In A 180° OR 360° Process are linked within your email communications.

  • Also, our Guide for Coaching is linked in all your Coach email communications to ensure everyone performing this role has the guidance they need to support each individual receiving feedback.

  • Be aware when creating your questions that you have selected the correct visibility settings on the Question Sections. For example, if a section of questions is only set as visible to Co-workers, but the 360 process only includes Direct report and / or Manager reviewer types, that section of questions will not be displayed for those reviewer types. This can cause absolutely no questions to be displayed upon capture (i.e just the ‘Submit’ button will be displayed).

  • Although possible to an employee preferred name variable to the reminder communications, this variable is not supported for reminders (the variable should only be used for the initial survey invitation).

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