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Translate Comments to English

How to translate comments to English

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over a week ago

What can I learn from this page?

How to translate comments to English

Who is this guide for?

Account Admins

How to enable comment translations at an Account level

  1. To enable the translations feature on your account you can do this via the Account settings section

  2. Click Reports

  3. Go to the Comments Translations section

  4. After reading the disclaimer check the Enable Comments Translation box

Note: you only need to do this once for your account for translations to be enabled at the account level)


How to enable comment translations at a Survey level

  1. To view comments translated into English go to the Comments view in your survey report.

  2. Check the Translate comments to English box to translate all comments


You can then filter through the English comments via their original language using the drop down filter Any Language


You will be able to identify which comments were translated by the icon on the left of the comment box.


To view comments in their original language you simply uncheck the box.
You can also filter on comments based on their original language.


Who can use translations?

Everyone is able to see and use the translation feature on comments reports and shared reports providing the Survey admin has enabled the feature on the account via report settings.

Is it available on all surveys?

This feature is available on all surveys except Effectiveness 360's and Performance surveys.

Is it enabled at the account or survey level?

Once you have allowed translations on your account the toggle to translate your comments will be available on all surveys. You will however need to check the box to translate your comments within the comment report on each individual survey.

Why aren't all my comments translated?

Translation of your comments happens at a report level (not view level) so when you check the "translate my comments box" any eligible comments will be translated. However, It is likely that some of your comments are in a language our Google does not support. If you're seeing comments in their original language please check out our guide to see if that language is supported.

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