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Create a video to showcase confidentiality settings to your organization
Create a video to showcase confidentiality settings to your organization

Guidance on creating a video to showcase your surveys confidentiality settings, ahead of an upcoming survey.

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over 5 months ago

Who can use this feature?

Available on:

  • All Culture Amp subscriptions that include Engagement or Effectiveness (Manager and Team Effectiveness surveys)

So you’re about to launch your survey and you’re getting some questions around confidentiality. You’ve read how to set the reporting rules and hopefully incorporated it into your pre-survey launch. For example, including it in your communications (some coming from senior leaders), and an FAQ sheet. But it still doesn’t seem like employees are understanding the safeguards that you’ve put in place. The companies we work with that do this best have opted to create a video showing how confidentiality is maintained in the platform. This article is a how to guide on making such a video as well as best practices for explaining confidentiality in your communications.

But first, taking a step back, why is it important for employees to understand confidentiality rules?

Concerns around confidentiality may result in:

  • Low participation rates

  • A less accurate picture of your outcome (often Engagement, but could be Onboarding, Manager Effectiveness, etc.)

  • Lack of confidence in the results (from both employees and leaders)

  • Inability to act on the limited results

  • Further employee disengagement

Making your video

Your video will include 2 components, the visuals and the script.


We recommend using your own reports as the visuals for the video. The employee size, demographics and survey questions will be more relevant for your viewers. To do this, first make sure you have uploaded your employee data file. Next, simply use the “Preview Reports” button in the top right of your survey administration page

Or in your survey browser, click the ellipsis and then “Preview Reports”

This will be a demonstration report with dummy data while maintaining the changes you’ve made to the template.

If you’d prefer to use reports from our demonstration account, Hooli, just reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist and we can assist you.


Here is an example script of what you might say in the video. Portions in italics need to be customized based on your unique context. In particular, you will need to know your reporting group minimum and comment reporting group minimum. Both of these can be found in your survey settings.


  • Hi team! I’m name from company and I work on the team that is designing our name of survey. We’re looking forward to hearing your feedback and I wanted to make sure you’re aware of how your feedback will be displayed.

  • We’ve partnered with Culture Amp, a company that specializes in employee feedback. They have helped over 6000 companies like us get feedback and have several technical safeguards in place to ensure your feedback is confidential.


  • First, we have implemented what are called Reporting Rules – which determine how your answers are displayed in the survey results.

  • We have set a reporting group minimum of X. That means that anyone who is allowed access to the survey results can only see the results if there are X or more responses within a demographic.

  • [We recommend adding filters to the report here until you meet the reporting group minimum to show the error that is displayed]

  • Additionally, we have set a comments reporting group minimum of X. That means X number of people in a demographic will need to respond to an item before the comments will be shown. Please note, the comments will be reported verbatim - exactly how you write it, is how it will be displayed. However, we only share reports with comments to XXXX (example, Director level and above).

Optional: With Raw Data Extract

  • We have elected to enable raw data extract. This means that the following people will have access to download individual data: XXXX. We have the following hypotheses we’d like to test XXXX and ultimately hope to achieve this outcome. Reports that are shared to others in the organization will still maintain the reporting group minimum of X and the comment minimum of X.

Optional: If You Already Know to Whom and What You’re Sharing in Reports

  • We will be sharing reports with XXXXX (example, Director level and above), these reports will include the following demographics: XXXXX, and will/will not include access to comments. (If you will be sharing different types of reports with different people, you may need to repeat this sentence multiple times with different variables)

  • [Navigate to a shared report or add a filter to show what a report would look like for a smaller subset]


  • You may notice emails from the Culture Amp platform inviting you and reminding you to complete your survey, while Culture Amp knows who has and has not completed the survey, we at company do not.

  • This is the only time Culture Amp will use your email address.

  • Thank you again for taking the time to watch this video. As a reminder, survey name will open on open date and close on close date. Please take the time to let your voice be heard!

  • If you have any further questions, just reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist. Thank you!

Using your video

Once you’ve created your video, we recommend uploading it to google drive (or somewhere else that you can link to) and adding the link to your pre-survey communications and invitations.

If you’re feeling up for it, you could also use the script and demonstration reports to host a mini webinar for your organization and answer questions as they come up.

💬 Need help? Just reply with “Ask a Person” in a Support Conversation to speak directly with a Product Support Specialist.

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