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Guide to communicating about an upcoming Survey
Guide to communicating about an upcoming Survey

How to communicate an upcoming survey to your organisation

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over 4 months ago

What can I learn from this page?

How to communicate an upcoming survey to your organisation

Who is this guide for?

Account Admins, Survey Admins, Survey Creators

Before you launch your survey, it's important to communicate the "what, why, and when" to let people know they should look out for a survey from Culture Amp - and to get them comfortable with providing feedback. The most common way to is to send an email a few days before the survey launches. As part of that email or as a separate communication, many also find it useful to include a list of FAQs for employees and managers. Last but not least, it is popular to discuss the upcoming survey at an all-hands meeting.

Tip: Make sure to check our participants guide which addresses the responses to a number of our most commonly asked questions

Pre communicating details about the survey will allow you to solicit questions or concerns leading to a higher participation rate.

Here is a template that we suggest you use as a potential starting point - Pre Survey communications. You should tailor this message to fit your company's voice, just make sure to include:

  • What an engagement survey is

  • Why you're running it at your company

  • What you're trying to achieve

  • How feedback will be collected and reported

  • Who is eligible to participate, and

  • What to expect next

If you're interested in hearing about best practices and some of the creative ways we've seen customers communicate their survey, check out Promoting your survey

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