Who can use this feature?
Account Admin
Available on:
All Culture Amp subscriptions that include Develop
This guide will walk you through the steps to bulk import competencies into the Culture Amp Competency library using a CSV file. You can import up to 30 competencies at once. Follow the steps below for a smooth import process.
Step 1: Copy the CSV template
To begin the process:
Navigate to the Competency library:
Go to the Development menu, select Career paths, and click Competency library, then choose Import competencies.
Download the CSV template:
Click Copy template to download. The template has two tabs:
Instructions tab: Learn how to format competencies using markdown for rich text (e.g., Bold, Italic, numbered lists, bullet points, hyperlinks).
Data template tab: Enter the competency details like title, description, learning resources and competency levels.
Step 2: Set up the CSV file
Open the CSV template:
Use your preferred spreadsheet software (Google Sheets, Excel).
Enter competency details:
On the Data Template tab enter the below details:
Title: Name of the competency.
Description: A detailed explanation of the competency.
Competency levels: Fill out level descriptions for each competency.
Learning resources: Optionally, add relevant links or resources.
Apply markdown:
Format text as needed for emphasis or lists.
Save the file as .csv
Delete the Instructions tab and save the Data Template file as a .csv when complete.
Step 3: Select competency type
Before uploading, decide which competency type you want to import in Culture Amp:
Shared competencies: Applied across multiple job groups, useful for linking to different roles with one source of truth.
Job group competencies: Applied to a single job group.
Step 4: Upload your file
Upload your CSV:
Drag and drop the file into the platform. Click Next.
Error check:
The system will automatically scan for any issues in the file. If errors are detected, a report will be generated to guide you through making corrections. Re-upload the corrected file.
Step 5: Assign competencies to job groups
Once your file is verified, click Next:
Select job groups:
Choose which job groups should have access to the imported competencies.
Finalize the import:
Click Import to complete the process.
File requirements
To avoid issues, ensure your CSV file meets the following criteria:
File format: .csv
File size: Maximum 3MB
Competency details:
Each competency must have a title and at least one level (Competency level 1).
Competency names must be unique.
Levels must be sequential (no skipping from level 2 to level 4).
Maximum competencies: You can import up to 30 competencies at a time.
Markdown formatting for competencies
Enhance the presentation of your competencies using markdown. Here are some examples:
Numbered list:
First item
Second item
Third item
Bullet list:
First item
Second item
Third item
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