Master development planning with guidance on creating career paths, managing skills, and utilizing Go1 learning resources.
Moving to Competency-Based Development PlanningGuidance on how to create development plans based on competencies.
Bulk import competenciesLearn how to bulk import up to 30 competencies into Culture Amp's Competency Library. Step-by-step guide with file setup and tips.
Development Planning ReportAccess the Development Planning Report in Culture Amp to find participation, insights, and search for individual development plans.
Guide to creating Career PathsA step by step guide to creating career paths and competency frameworks
Assigning employees to roles in Career Paths
Displaying competencies in the Employee profileEnable competency-guided performance feedback by adding competencies to employee profiles.
Go1 Learning Resources in Career Paths CompetenciesAn overview of the Culture Amp and Go1 learning resources partnership
Update Your Go1 Learning Resource Links: Mutual Go1 & CA CustomersGuidance on how paying customers of Go1 can update the Go1 learning resource links to direct to their own Go1 instance
How to Export Development Plan DataExport employee development plans in CSV format using Culture Amp’s Development Plan Raw Data Export. Analyze trends, goals, & performance.
Career Path Role ComparisonsEasily compare roles side-by-side in Culture Amp's Career Paths tool to make informed career decisions, from promotions to lateral moves.