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Tailor the Inspiration engine

How to add custom inspirations to your survey

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over a week ago

What can I learn from this page?

How to add custom inspirations to your survey

Who is this guide for?

Account Admin, Survey Creators, Survey Admins

Note: The Action Framework is currently available for Engagement, Manager, Team, and Individual Effectiveness surveys only, and not yet available for Onboard/Exit surveys.

To support your individuals in taking action on results, we developed the Inspiration Engine to provide decision-makers and managers with community-derived and real-world tested ideas for addressing employee feedback.

Tailoring the Inspiration Engine for Your Company

While the power of our Inspiration Engine comes from the collective intelligence of our community, we know that many of our customers will want to tailor the Inspiration Engine for their particular company cultures. If you have a unique idea for action that you want to share with your managers, you can add this action to your Inspiration Engine. And if you feel like a specific inspiration may distract your employees from taking action (for example, an inspiration that you may not think your managers have the capacity to take on), you can hide this inspiration.

We encourage you to include references and links to your organization's resources, so that employees can easily get to the information they need to take action.

To review inspirations for a particular survey:

  1. Select Inspirations under the Settings menu

  2. Navigate through the factors of your survey to see the inspirations recommended for your questions.

  3. Click any inspiration title to read the text of a specific inspiration.

To edit an inspiration:

  1. Click the inspiration name

  2. In the window that appears, click Edit Inspiration

  3. In the next window, update the name, excerpt, and/or description of the inspiration. You can insert links using markdown: [link text](

  4. Click Save

    1. The updated version of the inspiration will appear under Custom Inspirations.

    2. To un-map a Culture Amp inspiration from a specific question, so it will no longer appear to managers when reviewing results

  5. Click the Mapped checkbox for the inspiration

  6. To re-map an inspiration to a specific question, check the Mapped checkbox for the inspiration.

To add a new custom inspiration to a question:

  1. Click Add Custom Inspiration for the specific question

  2. In the window that appears, enter the name, excerpt, and description of your inspiration. You can insert links using markdown: [link text](

  3. Click Save

To map an existing custom inspiration to other questions:

  1. Click Add Custom Inspiration for the next question

  2. In the window that appears, click Browse inspirations

  3. Check the box next to the custom inspiration you would like to map to this question

  4. Click Save


To edit a custom inspiration:

  1. Click the menu button to the right of the inspiration

  2. Select Edit from the menu

  3. In the window that appears, update the name, excerpt, and/or description of your inspiration. You can insert links using markdown: [link text](

  4. Click Save


Note: editing a custom inspiration will impact all instances of the inspiration across all surveys within your account, including surveys that are closed.

To unmap a custom inspiration from a question:

  1. Click the menu button to the right of the inspiration

  2. Select Un-map inspiration from the menu

To delete a custom inspiration:

  1. Click the menu button to the right of the inspiration

  2. Select Delete from the menu

  3. In the window that appears, click Delete

Note: deleting a custom inspiration will delete the inspiration from all surveys within your account, including surveys that are closed.


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