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Action framework feature

An overview of the Action framework

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over a week ago

What can I learn from this page?

An overview of the Action framework

Who is this guide for?

Account Admins, Survey Admins, Survey Creators, Report Viewers


Culture Amp's Action Framework is a set of tools to help individuals/ teams/ managers act on employee feedback. Employees will be more confident, efficient and successful in taking action because they can now easily:

  • Identify impactful focus areas in response to employee feedback

  • Decide on an action to take, with inspiration from what other customers, as well as people in our 40,000 person People Geek community, have done in similar situations

  • Drive effective action on feedback without relying on HR or upper management

  • Get feedback on their actions from their team

How does it work?

1. HR leaders share reports directly with individuals from within the Culture Amp platform

2. In Manager, Team or Engagement surveys, individuals review the reports and use the Focus Agent to easily identify areas which have the most potential for positive impact. Our 360 surveys do not have a focus agent since impact is not calculated.

3. Once focus areas are selected, individuals use the Inspiration Engine to explore actions other customers and members of the People Geek community have used to improve on their chosen focus area, before committing to action.

4. In Manager, Team or Engagement surveys, once an action has been selected and worked on it for over a month, they can use ‘Action feedback’ to check in with their team and measure how effective was their action.

5. Users can see all of the actions they have created along with actions created by others by clicking into their action plans tab:



What are your actions?

Any action created by you. This includes engagement and effectiveness actions.

What are company actions?

Actions not created by you, on reports shared with you. For example, if John and I have the same report shared with us and John creates an action, that will appear on my ‘company action’ tab.

Note: Admins are able to disable the Action Framework for specific shared reports. Simply uncheck the checkbox for ‘Take Action’ in the report configuration to remove access to the Action framework. If ‘Take Action’ is disabled on a report then:- No ‘take action’ button will appear on the left hand menu on detailed reports.- No ‘take action’ section will appear at the bottom of summary reports

What are All Actionable reports?

Reports that you have access to and create actions within.

The Action Framework is available for Engagement, Manager Effectiveness, Team Effectiveness, and Individual Effectiveness surveys only, and not yet available for Onboard/Exit surveys.


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