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Taking Action
Take Action with the Action FrameworkHow to take action with the action framework
Admin's Action DashboardA guide to understanding the Admins Action Dashboard
Action framework featureAn overview of the Action framework
Guide for Custom Inspiration TranslationsA guide for importing custom inspiration translations in bulk
Guide for bulk importing InspirationsA guide for importing custom inspirations in bulk
Guide to quickly take action while pulsingA guide on how to understand, act and communicate your results while taking a pulsing approach.
Thought Leader Content Throughout the PlatformThought leader content available in our inspiration engine
Tailor the Inspiration engineHow to add custom inspirations to your survey
Inspiration EngineAn overview of the inspiration engine and how to use this to address focus areas and take action on your survey results
Guide to Driving Action Through Survey ChampionsA guide to driving action through the use of survey champions
Guide to Accountability (Over Compliance) When Taking Action on ResultsA guide to accountability when taking action on survey results
Guide to Taking Action on Survey ResultsAn intro guide to taking action on survey results
Running a Results-to-Action WorkshopGuidance on how to run a collaborative workshop to go from survey results to prioritised actions.
Guide to Generating Ideas to Take Action on Survey ResultsA guide to generating ideas to take action on survey results
Guide to the Post Survey Action QuestionsA guide to the post survey action questions