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Platform Reports Page

Learn how to access and navigate your reports page, filter by survey type, and view results based on your permissions.

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated this week

Who can use this feature?

  • Users

Available on:

  • All Culture Amp subscriptions that include Engagement or Effectiveness

The Platform Reports page is where you can access and view survey results, including engagement, effectiveness, and other survey data. Your ability to access these reports depends on your user permissions and whether reports have been shared with you.

Accessing reports

To access reports, you must be granted viewer permissions by an administrator. If you have been added as a viewer, you will receive an email notification with a link to the report. If you haven’t logged in before, or if your company doesn’t use Single Sign-On (SSO), you will be prompted to create a password.

After signing in, you can access shared reports from the Surveys page. If Performance is enabled on your account, click the Feedback drop-down before selecting the Surveys option.

360 Effectiveness Survey reports

Access to 360 Effectiveness survey reports is based on your relationship with the employee. You can view these reports if you are a coach for that employee or if the employee has shared their report with you.

Navigating the Reports page

The Reports page is designed to help you quickly locate the surveys that are relevant to you. Here’s how it’s structured:

  • Current reports: These are surveys that are still open or recently closed.

  • Archived reports: Older surveys can be accessed by clicking the Archived link. Reports are automatically archived once they survey has been closed for 12 months.

Tip: If you have a large number of reports, use the filter options to narrow down your search by report type.

Report types

Reports are grouped by the survey modules they belong to. You can filter reports by the following types:

  • Engagement: Engagement, wellbeing, inclusion, benefits, and values surveys.

  • Experience: Candidate, onboarding, intern, and exit surveys.

  • Effectiveness: 360s, team effectiveness, and manager effectiveness surveys.

Viewing a report

To view a report, from the Surveys page simply click View report next to the survey you want to see. This will open the survey results, where you can explore the data and insights.

If you have multiple reports for the same survey, use the Select report filter in the left-hand sidebar to switch between them.

Filtering results

The Add filter sidebar on the left allows you to narrow your report results by applying up to five filters.

  • AND Operation: Filters are combined using an AND operation, meaning the more filters you apply, the more specific your results will be. For example, selecting Dept: Sales and Gender: Male will show results for male employees in the Sales department.

  • OR Operation: When you add multiple values for the same filter (e.g., Country: India, France, Italy), an OR operation is applied, and results will include any of the selected countries.

Print or export results

You can export or print your report using the Export icon. Options include sending the report to a printer, exporting to PDF, Excel, or CSV. Note that depending on the report type, Excel and CSV exports may include additional raw data. For certain survey types, you may also be able to export the report to PowerPoint.

Troubleshooting: Missing reports

If you don’t see any reports listed, it may be due to permission settings. Reach out to your HR team to confirm your access, or reply with "Ask a Person" in a support conversation to connect with a Product Support Specialist.

💬 Need help? Just reply with "Ask a Person" in a support conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist.

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