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Understanding your Onboarding or Exit Survey reporting
Understanding your Onboarding or Exit Survey reporting

Navigate Onboarding and Exit Survey reports. Learn to view, filter, and analyze responses, participation, and insights.

Jessie Walsh avatar
Written by Jessie Walsh
Updated over a month ago

Who can use this feature?

Available on:

  • All Culture Amp subscriptions that include Engagement

In this guide, we'll explore the reporting options for Onboarding and Exit Surveys. Though similar to Engagement Survey reporting, we'll focus on highlighting any differences. For a full breakdown of our standard reporting options, check out our guide to understanding survey results.

Onboarding and Exit surveys, also known as Experience surveys, fall under the "Attributed (Continuous)" template type. They are designed to be long-running, with new employees continuously added to the survey as they onboard or exit your organization.

Explore related templates in our survey templates guide.


The Responses report displays each employee invited to the survey and their survey status, such as:

  • awaiting response

  • awaiting interview (for full workflow surveys)

  • awaiting classification

  • completed

Viewing Individual Responses

To view an individual’s response, cancel an onboarding or exit process, or classify demographics, the Allow Individual Responses option must be enabled under the surveys Confidentiality page before launching the survey.

If this is enabled, you'll find the View Response option on the employee's survey process.

Tip: You can't change the confidentiality settings after the survey goes live, so make sure to check them carefully before launching your survey.

Once you click View Response, you can access an individual's survey and take actions like exporting the survey or resetting responses. Learn more.

To export:

  1. On the Responses report page, click View Response on the survey process

  2. Click Export and select your preferred format: PDF or Print.

  3. The export includes a breakdown of participant responses, along with any reviewer or interview notes - (for full workflow surveys).

Note: We recommend exporting the raw data extract from the surveys Operations page or Insights report tab. Exporting raw data from an individual response will result in errors and a strange version of the form. For further guidance, refer to the Raw Data Extract section.

Filtering Responses

Refine your survey responses using filters:

  1. Search by Name or Email: Locate individual responses by entering the employee's name or email.

  2. Survey Status Filter: Filter responses based on survey status such as by those "Awaiting Response".

  3. Demographic Filter: Narrow down results by demographic groups like Department.

Note: When filtering, the Responses report shows all demographics and values enabled on the survey, whereas the Insight report will only show demographic values from participants who have already submitted a response.


The Insights page provides a summary of participation, questions and factor level scores.


  • Use the Date Range filter to review those SUBMITTED and NOT SUBMITTED within the selected date range.

  • The X-axis displays in months for date ranges of 18 months or less, and in years for longer ranges.

  • The Outside Date Range in the side panel represents responses that were submitted outside the selected date range,

  • A Tool-tip provides a detailed breakdown of Submitted, Not Submitted, and Outside Date Range submissions.

Note: The date range filter uses the survey process launch date (when the process is created) rather than the survey submission date. For example, if a participant was invited to the survey in December 2024 but submitted their response in January 2025, they would still be grouped under December 2024.

Insight Report

Under the Insight Report section you can review your outcome score. Your outcome factor is the first one listed on your report and is used in Impact/Driver Analysis. Usually, this is Engagement. Learn how to interpret it here.


The Lifecycle Survey Trend shows trends for Exit and Onboarding surveys based on past responses within your chosen date range on the Insights page. It groups responses by month and while it supports date filters, it doesn't account for time zones.

On the trend graph, the green line indicates favorable responses, gray shows neutral, and red represents unfavorable responses.

Note: We'll show survey trend for Onboarding and Exit Surveys only when there is an index factor set and the Reporting Group Minimum is set to 1 or less. The Index Factor is used for driver analysis, and should be the one Key Factor that is most important to your organization e.g. Engagement. The scores of the index factor will be plotted on the trend chart.

In the example below, the index factor is set to "Engagement." The displayed scores are the averages of all questions within this factor, but only responses from people who answered every question in the factor are included in the calculation. Explore how scores are calculated for reports.

Identify Your Focus with Impact Analysis

Discover how Impact Analysis helps pinpoint areas for improvement by analyzing correlations between questions. Delve into it here.


Next, explore the Questions report to view all of the questions asked in your survey. Click here for a step-by-step guide.


View comparisons to understand how your organization has changed over time, and how you compare to other similar businesses. At Culture Amp, we have specific Onboarding and Exit (benchmarks) available for customers and the ability to load internal comparisons. Learn more.

Note: You can only load other surveys as internal comparisons if they are the same template type, e.g. "Attributed (Continuous)". Check out our template types for more info!

To export your Insight or Questions report, refer to our article: Survey Export Options: A Guide for Admin Users.


To see how demographics compare across questions, use the Heatmap report. A Heatmap is a color-coded table that draws your attention to the highest and lowest scores and patterns in responses. Get started here. For export options, check out the details here.

Note: Only rating questions are displayed in the Heatmap report. Learn more about our available question types.


Leverage comments for deeper insights into survey responses. Explore more about our comment analysis here and refer to our export guide here.

Remember! The date range filter in Onboarding and Exit surveys operates based on the dates the processes were launched, not when the survey responses were submitted. Therefore, any participant comments will be categorized under the date that the survey was issued to them.

Raw Data

When you create an Onboarding or Exit survey, the raw data extract option is enabled by default. This allows Survey data analysts to extract detailed response data, identifying all respondents and their answers. Remember, once the survey is live, this setting is locked and raw data cannot be enabled after survey launch.

Learn more about this report type here.

Raw data can be exported from the Surveys > Operations page or the Surveys > Insight report page using the Export menu.

Remember, exporting raw data from the individual response view will result in errors and a strange version of the form. For best practices, refer to our guidance here.

Note: In the raw data extract report, the date column shows when the onboarding or exit survey was submitted. This differs from the Insights report, which uses the survey process "created at date" for filtering.

De-identified Raw Data Extract

De-identified Raw Data Extracts give you a breakdown of survey responses without personal details like email or employee ID. If you don't have raw data enabled, this report is a great alternative. It offers a comprehensive view of responses but without any identifying details or comments. To request a de-identified raw data extract, you'll need to contact our Culture Amp Support Team. Learn more.


How can I export my results to PowerPoint?

Exporting to PowerPoint isn't available for this type of survey, and unfortunately we are unable to manually enable it as we can for some other survey types.

Why do I see a different number of responses when I filter my raw data report and Insights report by date?

This is expected. The Insights report uses the survey's "created at" date, while the raw data extract uses the survey's "submitted at" date.

Why can't I see the option to download the raw data?

Either raw data has not been enabled for the survey (must be enabled prior to the survey launching), or you may not have the Survey data analyst role assigned. Check out our raw data extract article for further guidance.

Is the responses tab visible on shared reports?

If you're an admin user, you'll see the responses tab when previewing shared reports. However, non-admin users assigned as report viewers won't be able to see the responses tab. It's only visible to admin users.

How can I export a list of people who have or have not completed onboarding or exit surveys to track completion?

If raw data is enabled on the survey, you can export the raw data extract report and check the "status" column to see who has completed the survey. If raw data isn’t enabled but the allow individual responses option was selected in the confidentiality settings, you can track completions in the Responses tab of the survey report. Look for the green "Completed" or red "Incomplete" sign next to each onboarding or exit process to see who has and has not finished the survey.

How can I export only the interview notes without the survey in PDF format?

Right now, there isn’t a way to export just the interview notes without the survey in the platform. As a workaround, you can use a PDF splitter tool, like Adobe Acrobat or an online option, to separate the interview notes from the combined PDF.

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