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Survey Summary

Share Culture Amp survey results via Survey Summary to thank employees, provide high-level insights, and boost engagement for future surveys

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over a week ago

Who can use this feature?

  • Account Admin, Survey Admin, Survey Creators

Available on:

  • All Culture Amp subscriptions that include Engagement or Effectiveness (Manager and Team Effectiveness surveys).

After you’ve closed a company engagement survey, Culture Amp strongly recommends that you:

  1. Thank all employees for participating, and acknowledge their hard work over the past few months

  2. Play back a high level summary of the data with everybody invited

You can take both of these actions directly in Culture Amp using the survey summary.

Tip: data shows that when companies use Culture Amp reports to share their survey results broadly throughout their org, for their following survey, they see, on average, a 7 percentage point increase in participation, and significantly improved scores on questions related to action taking.


What is the Survey Summary?

The survey summary is acknowledgement of effort, and a high level summary of the results, which should be shared with every employee invited to your engagement survey. It presents the following information:

An overall engagement score, with commentary:


You can use the commentary to enrich the survey summary with any text you’d like; companies usually include things like:

  • A thank you message from senior leadership

  • Additional context about events that could affect employee experience (e.g. mergers, major product launches etc...)

  • Information about upcoming company focus areas

  • A spotlight on improvements from previous focus areas

​Key findings

The survey summary will present the 3 questions with the highest favorability scores, alongside the 3 focus questions. Focus questions are lower scoring questions in your survey that were highly correlated with engagement (significantly more of your employees who agreed with the focus questions also agreed with the engagement questions). Find out more about how correlation is calculated here.

Each question will include the personal response for the individual employee viewing the survey summary.


In addition to the findings for the company overall, the survey summary can also be configured to show findings for an employee's key demographic groups (e.g. for an employee’s department, team, practice, business unit etc...). You can select which groups you’d like to add. If demographics are added to the survey summary, employees will automatically see summary results for the demographics groups which they belong to. The example above is what a sales representative from the New York sales team would see. A payroll officer might instead see tabs for Department: HR, and Team: Payroll.

As with all Culture Amp reports, results will not be shown for groups with fewer responses than the reporting group minimum.

If your survey contained branched questions and they preview in your top three areas for you to focus on, these areas will only appear in the Summary for those participants that were privileged to these questions. For those participants that did not see the branched questions, the Survey Summary will update these Focus areas and only include the questions that were relevant to that individual.

Skills coach

If you have skills coach enabled on your account, you will notice a banner shown at the bottom of the survey summary report.

Skills Coach is a learning tool that delivers engaging micro-content directly through Slack, Microsoft Teams, or email. Your employees can use it to develop skills which could help them:

  1. improve their own at-work experience e.g. productivity skills, and resilience skills

  2. improve the experience of people around them e.g. how to give great feedback, or how to facilitate great meetings

  3. if they are leaders, improve the experience of their people e.g. how to be a better coach, or how to think strategically.


Note: we are currently in the process of rolling out skills coach. If skills coach isn’t enabled on your account, this banner will not be shown to employees.

Creating and sharing the Survey Summary

The survey summary is designed to be published after the survey is closed to ensure that you are sharing complete results, after all responses have been collected. While a survey is live, a survey summary can be prepared and the details saved, ready to publish to all employees once the survey has closed.

Note: Participants must have an email address to access the survey summary. At this time a link provided by email is the only way to access the shared report.

First, navigate to the Share Results screen, either from the Configure Survey menu, or by pressing the Share Reports button in your administrator report. From there, select Create a Survey Summary, and you’ll begin a 3 step process.


Add context, and additional demographic groups to the survey summary (optional but strongly recommended). We recommend adding in groups that represent slices of the org that are relevant to individuals (e.g. their team, department, practice, region, org etc...)


Preview the survey summary, and the email/slack messages that will be sent out when the survey summary is published.




  • Editing: Survey summary emails/slack messages cannot be edited.

  • Preview scores: Preview contains real engagement scores, but does not contain your real personal responses.

  • Demographic Groups: If you’ve added demographic groups, the preview will display the values assigned to you in your current employee data file in Culture Amp. Since the preview doesn't identify if you're a participant, it simply shows your current values for reference. However, it won't display scores for these groups—only the group names.

  • Branching Questions: In the Survey Summary Preview, branching questions are included in the highest rating and focus questions if applicable. If a participant didn’t encounter these questions due to branching logic, they won’t appear in their top ratings and focus questions in their summary report. The analysis only includes questions that participants actually saw.

Save (if your survey is still live) or, when your survey is closed Publish the survey summary with all employees invited to the survey.

Note: individual employees, or groups of employees cannot be excluded from the survey summary. Employees not invited to the survey at the time of publishing cannot be added to the survey summary.


Once a survey summary has been published:

  • Employees will receive an email and (if enabled) a Slack notification telling them that it is available for them to view.

  • After employees click on the link in their email/slack, they will be asked to login, or to create a password (if they have not previously done so) to view their personalised summary

Note: Publishing changes will not trigger a 2nd notification to be sent again to recipients.

Changes can be made to a published survey summary (in the event you need to update commentary or alter the selected demographic groups) by clicking Update survey summary on the report on the surveys Sharing page and proceeding through the three steps as above.



Do I have to create Culture Amp usernames/passwords for employees before I share the survey summary?

  • No, any employee that you have loaded into Culture Amp (i.e. any employee invited to a survey) can login to Culture Amp at any time, and create a password using their employee email address (i.e. the email address used to deliver their survey invite), or using single sign on (if enabled).

  • Note: these employees will only be able to view survey results that have been shared with them by an administrator, and will not be able launch surveys, or view employee data. Learn more about permissions here.

What happens if an employee shares a link with another employee, or somebody outside the company?

Only authenticated employees will be able to access the survey summary. Each employee will only be able to view their own individual copy of the survey summary, with their own name, demographic groups, and personal responses.

Can I use the survey summary on survey types besides engagement (e.g. wellbeing, or inclusion)?

If you have selected an index factor other than engagement for your survey, the survey summary will not show the overall score.


How will employees get to the survey summary from their Culture Amp homepage?

For now, the only way for employees to get to the survey summary is via the link in their email or slack notification.

When should I publish the survey summary?

A survey summary can only be published when a survey is closed. We recommend publishing it soon after your survey closes, for employees to explore top line results for the groups that they are a part of.

Why are the focus questions different between the survey summary and the insight report?

The survey summary uses an updated version of focus agent, our algorithm for identifying the statistically most actionable questions on a survey. As above, focus questions are lower scoring questions in your survey that were highly correlated with engagement. For each of the demographic group tabbed sections, the survey summary will (where possible) calculate correlation at the group level, instead of the survey overall level. This will produce a set of focus questions that are locally more actionable.

Can a published survey summary be deleted?

In the event a survey summary was published in error, it may be deleted. The button to delete a survey summary can be found in the dropdown below Update survey summary on the report sharing page.


Note: If a survey summary has been deleted, employees will see an error page notifying them that a report does not exist when they open a notification sent before a report was deleted. If you re-create the Survey Summary the old link will be activated again with any updated messaging or demographic changes. New notifications will not be sent for a recreated Survey Summary

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