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Guide to Survey Launch: Launch Phase

Final steps for survey launch: configure settings, select participants, test the survey, and follow the checklist for a smooth launch.

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over a week ago

What can I learn from this page?

Final steps for survey launch: configure settings, select participants, test the survey, and follow the checklist for a smooth launch.

Who is this guide for?

Account Admins, Survey Admin. Survey Creators

Once we have all of your content and we've configured your survey, the final step is to configure your account settings, select participants, and then take the survey for a test drive. There's a handy checklist outlined on the Launch Plan page and we recommend you step through this from start to finish prior to launch as sometimes a last-minute preview makes you realize that you’d like to change a question, update an email, or add an extra demographic to your reporting.

Survey Checklist

☝️ Survey Checklist

Once configured and tested, the survey will launch according to the date and time you have scheduled on the Launch Plan page. There are two options for launching attributed surveys: a scheduled approach where you plan out when emails will be sent to participants, or a manual approach launch where emails are sent whenever you hit the Send Now button. Launching unattributed surveys, and exit/onboard surveys is also done on the Launch Plan page by clicking a Launch Now button instead of entering a date and time.

Once launched, you'll be able to monitor results in real-time as survey responses are submitted. Keep an eye on the results rolling in, especially participation rates by demographic. You may want to encourage certain Teams or Managers to lift their participation.

You may get some questions about survey links from participants, e.g. they accidentally deleted their email, or they forwarded their email to a colleague. You can handle these locally by assigning people as survey administrators and having a general 'Help' email address that you added in your Settings in step 1. Alternatively, we can manage these for you through You're almost there!

Your homework

  1. Upload your company logo - dimensions of approximately 320 pixels wide and 320 pixels tall work best but anything close will be fine.

  2. Set the timezone to be used for launch, email reminders and reporting, and the primary email address used for sending email bounce notifications.

  3. Set your account and survey administrators - these are the people that will have access to survey support functions when the survey is live.

  4. Advise your IT group that they should add Culture Amp to your allow lists:, IP Address

  5. Preview the survey, set up participants, email communications and check your scheduled dates for launch, email reminders and survey close. You can even preview the reports using the Preview Reports button.

  6. Tell people in your organization that a survey is coming, why their participation is important, and remind them to keep an eye out for an invitation email from Culture Amp (to prevent them from deleting it - thinking it's Spam!). See Pre-Survey Communications for an email template you may like to use.

💡 Tip: Prior to the survey launch, please check that you have a signed contract with us, to protect our mutual privacy.

💬 Have any questions? Just reply with “Ask a Person” in a Support Conversation to speak directly with a Product Support Specialist.

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