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View Performance Ratings in Engagement reports

Link performance ratings to engagement surveys for deeper insights into high performers & at-risk groups.

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over 3 months ago

Who can use this feature?

Available on:

  • All Culture Amp subscriptions that include Engagement and Performance.

Note: This feature is currently in EAP release which includes customers who have launched an engagement survey and performance review cycle in the last 12 months.

You can add performance ratings from their performance cycles as a filter to your engagement and lifecycle survey reports. You can select the closed performance cycles you want to use as a filter on the demographics page in survey configuration. By overlaying Engagement and Performance ratings, you get unique lens into the dynamics of high performing employees and at-risk groups.

Connecting Performance cycles to your Surveys

  1. Navigate to Surveys and select Edit Survey for the survey in which you would like to include your Performance rating as a filter.

2. Click on the Demographics page.

3. At the top of the demographics page, you'll find a list of available performance cycles. This list only includes closed cycles that contain performance ratings.

4. To add a cycle as a filter to your survey, click on the checkbox next to it. If you wish to unlink a cycle, simply deselect the checkbox.

5. This feature is only available for Account Admins. Survey Admins and Survey Creators cannot link performance cycles to Engagement Reports.

You can remove performance cycles linked to your surveys at any time of the survey process (draft, live or closed state).

Viewing Performance ratings in reports

Once performance cycles are linked, you can access the performance ratings in the following reports:

  • Insight Report

  • Participation Report

  • Questions Report

  • Heatmap Report

  • Comments Report


  • Performance Ratings aren’t available for shared reports and survey summary.

  • Performance Rating values won't be available in Preview Reports (draft surveys)

  • The performance rating filter is protected by Reporting group minimum confidentiality settings.

  • Identify High Performing individuals and At-Risk Groups
    Performance ratings allow you to spot clusters of high performing individuals and at-risk groups in your organization. This focus can help direct your resources to areas that might need more support or attention.

  • Understand Performance is Dynamic
    High performance doesn't always guarantee a consistent pattern. Remember that performance varies; high performing individuals can experience dips, just as lower performing individuals can improve. Keeping an eye on these shifts over time is crucial to have a fair and equitable view on engagement and performance.




Who can connect performance cycles to Engagement reports?

Only Account Admins can connect performance cycles to surveys. For other users, the ability to link performance ratings to a survey will not be available when configuring a survey.

Can users other than the account admin view the performance rating filter in reports?

The performance rating filter is exclusively available for the admin report and is not included in shared reports, providing an extra layer of security. Users who have access to the admin report will be able to view the performance rating filter. This typically includes survey admins and survey creators. We recommend reviewing who has access to the admin report because performance ratings are sensitive.

How are performance ratings kept confidential?

The performance rating filter is still protected by the Reporting group minimum confidentiality settings. You won't be able to view groups under this minimum with any combination of filters/demographics.

We also automatically hide any cycle that is re-opened in reports. This ensures that the data is protected and reduces the chance for identification of individuals.

What happens to the linked performance cycles when a survey is duplicated?

If an Account Admin duplicates the survey, the performance cycle links will carry over. For any other user who duplicates a survey, the linked performance cycles will not carry over to the duplicated survey.

Will the performance ratings appear in any exports?

The performance ratings will not be included in the Raw Data Extract or Participant exports.

Can I link multiple performance cycles to the survey?

Yes, if you have multiple performance cycles with different people, you can check these cycles separately and apply them as filters in reports.

The feature doesn’t combine performance cycles together. If you wish to combine performance cycles into one filter, you can import and prepare demographics to include in surveys.

What happens to the performance rating filter if you no longer use to Culture Amp’s Performance Product?

The existing performance data will remain in the Engagement report as it reflects the value of the data and product. This ensures you can still access valuable insights from their past performance data even if you no longer use Performance.

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