Guide to understanding survey result reportsLearn how to understand survey results and navigate different reports: participation, comparisons, outcome scores, impact analysis, & more.
How scores are calculated for reportsLearn how question and factor scores are calculated and how to use benchmarks to evaluate your survey results effectively.
Difference between scores of strongly agree and agreeDiscover survey score breakdowns! Understand why we focus on favorability trends for clearer insights.
Trend for Surveys and ProgramsHow to visualize survey results across multiple surveys using Trend
Use the custom report to build multi-demographic heatmapsHow to build a custom heatmap
Multiple Choice Questions ReportHow multiple choice questions are viewed and interpreted within a survey report
The importance of finding focusHelp execs find focus in survey results: Learn why choosing one action area drives change, reduces analysis paralysis, and boosts alignment.
Focus agent feature in survey analyticsDiscover the Focus agent to automate survey analysis to identify impactful focus areas and boost employee engagement quickly.
How Impact is determinedLearn how Driver Analysis uncovers key engagement drivers: Move beyond scores to find what truly impacts your organization's culture.
Impact and driver analysis FAQsImpact & driver analysis FAQs: Learn how to identify key factors impacting engagement & find answers to common questions about the process.
Upgrade to how our impact and driver analysis is calculatedAn update to how our Impact is calculated in survey reports
Text analytics in comments reportingUsing Text analytics in Culture Amp reports: Unlock deeper insights from written feedback with advanced sentiment and topic analysis.
Text analytics insightsExplore sentiment trends across industries and regions.
AI comment summaries in Engagement resultsGuidance on how to use the AI comment summaries feature for analysing comments in your engagement survey reports
What does 'Not Specified' mean in Survey reportsWhat 'not specified' refers to in survey reports
What Does 'All Others' mean in Survey reportsAn understanding of what 'all others' in survey reports refers to
Report colorsUnderstand colored delta values in Culture Amp reports. Learn how green, yellow, & red scores indicate variance, not performance.
Correlation AnalysisExplore our Impact Analysis (Driver Analysis) to understand employee engagement correlations with real-world examples.
View Performance Ratings in Engagement reportsLink performance ratings to engagement surveys for deeper insights into high performers & at-risk groups.
Guide to learning from your Feedback DigestAn introduction to the Feedback Digest and what you can learn from this data
Guide to identifying and rewarding survey championsA guide to identifying and rewarding survey champions
AI Comment Comparisons in Engagement ResultsQuickly compare employee comments from top & bottom scoring cohorts with AI to uncover key similarities and differences in engagement surveys.