Who can use this feature?
Users who are the goal creator or owner can edit draft goals. Users who are the goal owner can edit published goals. Account administrators and Goals administrators have permission to edit any goal (draft or published).
Available on:
All Culture Amp subscriptions that include Performance with the new Goals experience.
At Culture Amp, we’ve streamlined goal management to make it easier for you to keep track of your objectives.
Editing a Goal
Whether your goal is still in draft form or has been published, you can make changes as needed.
Draft Goal: To edit a draft goal, you need to be a Account administrator or the creator or owner of the goal.
Published Goal: To edit a published goal, you must be a Account administrator or the goal owner.
How to edit:
On the Goals page, locate the goal you want to edit.
Click the ellipsis (⋯) next to the goal.
Select Edit from the menu.
Make your changes and click Save to update the goal.
Copying a Goal
Copying a goal helps you quickly duplicate an existing goal without starting from scratch. You can copy any goal you own or have administrative access to from either the Goal list view or Goal detail view.
Copy a goal from the list view
Navigate to the Goals page.
Locate the goal you wish to copy in the list.
Click the ellipsis (...) icon next to the goal.
Select Copy goal from the dropdown menu.
Rename and update as needed.
Click Publish goal or Save draft.
A duplicate of the selected goal will appear in the list.
Copy a goal from the goal detail view
Open the specific goal you want to copy by clicking its title.
In the top right corner of the goal detail view, click the ellipsis (...) icon.
Select Copy goal from the menu.
Rename and update as needed.
Click Publish goal or Save draft.
Manage your Duplicated Goals
Once a goal is copied, you can edit its title, due date, and key details to align with your current objectives.
Assigning a Goal to Another Person
You can transfer goal ownership whether the goal is in draft or published status.
Draft State If you’re the goal creator and you assign the goal to someone else, you can still view, publish, edit, and delete the goal until it’s published. The new goal owner will also have these permissions.
Published State Once a goal is published, the new goal owner will be able to view, edit, publish, and delete the goal.
How to update the goal owner
On the Goals page, find the goal you want to reassign.
Click the ellipsis (⋯) to open the menu and select Edit.
Under the Owner dropdown, use the search field to find the employee by name.
Check the box next to their name to assign them as the new goal owner. To remove yourself, uncheck your name.
Click Save to update the goal.
Deleting a Goal
If you find a goal that no longer fits your objectives or was created by mistake, you can easily delete it.
How to delete a goal
On the Goals page, locate the goal you want to delete.
Click the ellipsis (...) icon next to the goal.
Select Delete from the drop-down menu.
Remember: Deleting a goal is permanent and cannot be undone. It will delete the goal from all views, including your development plan if the goal was created as part of the plan. Ensure that you want to remove the goal before proceeding.
Archiving a Goal
Employees can archive goals they own to keep their active goal list focused and organized. Once archived, goals are moved to the Archive tab, which displays all goals you have permission to view.
How to archive a goal
You can archive a goal from two locations in the platform:
From the list view
Navigate to the Goals page.
Locate the goal you want to archive in the list.
Click the ellipsis (...) icon next to the goal.
Select Archive goal from the menu.
From the goal detail view
Open the specific goal by clicking its title.
In the top-right corner of the detail view, click the ellipsis (...) icon.
Select Archive goal from the menu.
Once archived, the goal will automatically appear in the Archive tab.
Unarchiving a Goal
If you need to reactivate an archived goal, you can unarchive it. Only the goal owner can unarchive a goal.
How to unarchive a goal
You can unarchive a goal from two locations in the platform:
From the list view
Go to the Goals page.
Navigate to the Archive tab.
Locate the archived goal in the list.
Click the ellipsis (...) icon next to the goal.
Select Unarchive goal from the menu.
From the goal detail view
Open the archived goal by clicking its title in the Archive tab.
In the top-right corner of the detail view, click the ellipsis (...) icon.
Select Unarchive goal from the menu.
Once unarchived, the goal will reappear under the Your goals tab.
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