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Trend for Surveys and Programs

How to visualize survey results across multiple surveys using Trend

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over 7 months ago

What can I learn from this page?

How to visualize survey results across multiple surveys using Trend

Who is this guide for?

Account Admins, Survey Admins, Survey Creators

Trend is a chart feature for surveys and programs that visualizes factor results across multiple surveys so you can see how you are progressing over time.

Update: We've updated the Trend Chart to hide any surveys that haven't been released yet. In previous survey reports, the trend charts will only display results up to the current date


You can configure which surveys or programs appear in trend from the Survey Configuration page > Trend tab. The survey closed date and number of responses may provide useful context as to which surveys should be included.


Once your survey has closed, trend will appear for any questions and factors you have asked across multiple surveys (as long as the survey has an index factor). Trends are available on overall and shared reports.

πŸ“Œ Note: The trend date range that you see on the graph is calculating the range of months between the first survey and the last survey on the graph. It then adds 10% either side of the first and last survey displayed. This is to ensure the two data points do not display on the outer edge of the graph itself.

Trends are filterable. You can apply multiple filters and Trend will be re-drawn to reflect the filtered population or hidden if we cannot display a trend for that group.

Program Trend

To access Program trend, click into your Surveys > Program tab > Select a program to view the Program trend

Like trend, the program trend visualizes favorable scores of snapshot surveys in any designated program, allowing you to clearly see the progress of a program outcome.

You need a program for the program trend to appear and at least two closed trendable surveys in that program. Trendable surveys are surveys that share an index of key factor. All questions in the factor have to be identical between the surveys OR have been manually matched.


πŸ“Œ Note: Program trends are currently available for Engagement surveys, and not yet available for Effectiveness or Experience/Continuous surveys.

When Does the Program Trend Appear?

If a program includes at least two trendable surveys, those surveys are automatically added to the trend line. Any program with more than two trendable surveys has the trend line enabled by default.

If a survey in the program is not trendable, it simply does not appear on the trend line with the other trendable surveys in the program.

Configure the Program Trend

In instances where the program contains surveys with different index factors, you can select one of the factors as input for the trend line. You can also disable the program trend, if desired.


Trend Troubleshooting

Trend requires QUESTIONS and FACTORS to be identical between surveys, or for survey data to have been manually matched using the historical comparison matching process. No matches = no trendlines.

Questions may not be classed as identical if:

  • There are extra white spaces at the beginning or at the end of the question. Click Edit Survey to open up your survey design page to double-check.

  • There are full stops in 1 version of the question/factor and not in the other(s)

  • The %ACCOUNT_NAME% placeholder code appears in one survey, but not the other(s) (i.e. one survey has the physical account name typed in the question, but the other uses the placeholder). Loading comparisons will help to overcome this issue.

Troubleshooting checklist:

  1. Check the Survey Configuration page to ensure that surveys have been selected for inclusion in the Trend

  2. Follow the steps above to double-check whether the questions and factors are an exact match

  3. Try loading the survey as a comparison to manually match any questions where there may be a variation.

  4. Contact Culture Amp Support to help troubleshoot further.


Which survey types have Trend enabled?

Trend is available for all Attributed (Snapshot) and Attributed (Continuous) survey templates. Program trend is available for Engagement surveys. Check out our Survey Templates guide to learn more.

Can the trend or program trend data be exported?

No, trend data cannot be exported at this time.

When does trend appear on a survey report?

Trend is available on a survey report once a survey is closed. Survey data points are positioned according to their closed dates.

Why do some questions and factors in a survey have trends, but others do not?

We generate trend lines using two methods. Firstly, we automatically match identical questions. Secondly, if there are any questions with equal or similar intent that have been manually matched when a comparison was loaded, those questions will also show trends. If you're not seeing a trend where you expect to see one, just reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist.

πŸ’¬ Need help? Just reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist.

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