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Survey export options

Guidance on the different survey export options available for an Attributed or Unattributed type survey

Jessie Walsh avatar
Written by Jessie Walsh
Updated over a week ago

Who can use this feature?

Available on:

  • All Culture Amp subscriptions that include Engagement or Effectiveness (Manager and Team Effectiveness surveys)

In this guide, we'll walk you through the export options available for both Attributed (Snapshot) and Unattributed survey templates.

Depending on your survey type—Attributed or Unattributed—you'll have various export options. Attributed surveys link responses to individuals, like in Engagement surveys.

Unattributed surveys are anonymous, like ad-hoc surveys. Both types offer almost identical export options for Admins. You can export reports like Summary, Insight/Questions, Participation, Heatmap, Comments, PowerPoint, Raw Data, and De-identified Raw Data. Each report serves different purposes, from overall scores to detailed insights. Need a walkthrough? Check out our guide for step-by-step instructions!

Not sure what survey type you have set up? You can view the default survey type for each of our template options here or just reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist.


  • If you need to export a lot of engagement data at once, go for the bulk export option. For surveys with raw data enabled, it's the way to go.

  • Don't have raw data? No worries! Try exporting the Insight or Question report to Excel (.XLS). This gives you scores for questions and factors. Just remember, if you want comments, you'll need to export them separately.


The Summary reports offer a quick overview of your survey data, highlighting your overall outcome score, strengths, and areas for improvement.

To export:

Navigate to the Surveys page and select View reports next to the relevant survey.

Select the Summary report option.

Click Export and select your preferred format: PDF or Print.

The export includes your overall Engagement score, comparison difference to your benchmark, what you're doing well, and top opportunities.

Insight/Questions report

The Insight and Question report provides detailed insights into factor and question level scores, participation, driver strength, and correlations. Learn more about these reporting types here.

To export:

Navigate to the Surveys page and select View reports next to the relevant survey.

Select the Questions or Insight report option.

Click Export and select your preferred format: PDF, .XLS, or .CSV (XLS recommended) or Print.

The CSV export gives you detailed information like scores for factors and questions, participation rates, percentages of favorable, neutral, and unfavorable responses, comparison scores, and driver strength and correlation.

Participation report

The Participation report highlights demographic breakdowns in survey participation. Learn more about this report type here.

To export:

Navigate to the Surveys page and select View reports next to the relevant survey.

Choose the Participation report option.

Click Export and select your preferred format: PDF, .XLS, or .CSV (XLS recommended) or Print.

The XLS export includes participation counts and engagement scores by demographic group.


The Heatmap report helps to visualize demographic comparisons across questions, revealing patterns in responses. Learn more about this reporting option here.

To export:

Navigate to the Surveys page and select View reports next to the relevant survey.

Choose the Heatmap report option.

Pick a demographic group from the dropdown to filter your data.

Choose between the Delta (the difference from the company overall score e.g. -2) or Favorable score view (the absolute percentage score e.g. 65%).

Click Export and choose your format: PDF, .XLS, or .CSV (we suggest .XLS) OR select Print.

You can also use Export menu available in the heatmap view itself to either copy the image or download it as a .png

In the Excel export, you'll find scores for all questions, plus the difference from the company score and the percentage of favorable responses for each demographic group.

Comments report

The Comments report displays survey comments alongside ratings and with a sentence indicating which demographic filters were applied to the report. Learn more about the standard comments reporting option here.

To export:

Navigate to the Surveys page and select View reports next to the relevant survey.

Choose the Comments report option.

Click Export

Pick your format: PDF, .XLS, or .CSV (we suggest .XLS) OR select Print.

In the Excel export, you'll find each question with its associated comment, rating and a summary sentence that indicates the demographic filter/s applied to the report. (if enabled).


PowerPoint presentations offer a narrative of survey results, covering key scores, strengths, opportunities, and trends. Learn more about this reporting option here.

To export:

Navigate to the Surveys page and select View reports next to the relevant survey.

Go to the Export menu and select Build PowerPoint

Select Comparisons – these are the past surveys or benchmarks that you’d like to see alongside your current survey results.

Choose a demographic for displaying a participation breakdown.

Click Build PowerPoint

Depending on the size of your survey, the download may take a few seconds or up to a minute to generate.

Raw Data Extract

If you've selected the Raw Data Extract checkbox before launching your survey, then any Survey Data Analyst can export the Raw Data Extract file. This file contains personal information of survey respondents alongside their corresponding responses. Learn more about this report option here.

To export:

Navigate to the Surveys page and select View reports next to the relevant survey.

Click Export and choose Raw Data Extract from the dropdown.

Tip: Can't find the raw data option? It might not be enabled for your survey, or you might not have the Survey Data Analyst role assigned. To confirm, check if the raw data extract box is ticked on your survey's Confidentiality page.

De-identified Raw Data Extract

De-identified Raw Data Extracts provide a breakdown of survey responses without personal details like Email or Employee ID. You can also include one custom demographic. Note that we are able to provide just one de-identified data extract per survey. Multiple files with different demographics aren't available. Learn more about this report option here.

To request:

Make sure your survey has closed.

Ensure you're assigned the Survey Data Analyst role.

Reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist. When you get in touch, please remember to tell us your survey name and demographic filter.

In the export you'll see a breakdown of raw responses without personal data.


Why are my answers appearing as dates in my csv export?

If you are having issues with answers appearing as dates in CSV exports, try opening the file in excel. From there convert the formatting on the entire column which includes the cells that are formatted as dates. Update the formatting of the date range to the custom date format: d-d.

Why is the data in my export formatted strangely?

Sometimes data exported to CSV format can lead to strange formatting if the file is opened directly within certain versions of Excel.

This is generally caused because the version of Excel the file is opened in doesn't handle CSV data very well. This can lead to data being mixed up between columns and some text shown as #NAME? or similar (because Excel recognises some characters as a formula).

In most cases, Mac users can simply overcome the issue by opening the CSV in a programme that handles CSV data, such as Numbers and export the file to Excel from within that programme instead.

For users on PC's, if GoogleSheets is available to you, try uploading the file and opening it in Google sheets.

Alternatively, you can import the CSV file to Excel using the instructions in this user guide.

How can I export all survey data at once?

Unfortunately, there isn't a way to export all survey data at once right now. You'll have to export it survey by survey, following the steps we outlined in the support guide. For surveys with raw data enabled, that's the fastest route since it packs everything into one report, questions and comments included. If you don't have raw data enabled, you can still export the Insight or Question report to Excel (.XLS) for scores and then export the Comments report separately.

Why does my Comments report export look different?

The demographic group information in your Comments report export is now shown as a sentence rather than in a separate column. This change aims to create a more consistent experience both on and off the platform, while also upholding Culture Amp's commitment to confidentiality.

💬 Need help? Just reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist.

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