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Account Admin Hub
The one-stop Admin hub: manage settings, roles, employee data, integrations, and API data exchange.
Account Admin Overview
Onboarding and training guidance for new Account Administrators.
Welcome to the Account Admin roleAn overview of the Account Admin role, how you can navigate the platform in this role and what resources you have available to help you
Guide to transitioning to Culture AmpA guide to transitioning to Culture Amp
Guide to Creating Successful Employee ExperiencesA guide to creating successful employee experiences using our available tools
Assign Roles & Permissions
Admin roles, permissions, and user assignments for Engagement and Performance.
How to Assign an Employee Data AdminGuide to assigning an Employee Data Admin in Culture Amp. Manage user data & integrations without survey access.
Adding & Managing Your Employees
Employee data file setup, language support, import error troubleshooting.
Create Your Employee Data FileStep-by-step instructions on preparing, formatting, and saving your employee data file for a seamless import into Culture Amp
Supported Languages in Culture AmpExplore Culture Amp in multiple languages! Simplified steps for Account Admins and Users.
Language Codes for Employee Data FileHow to assign a users preferred language in your employee data file
Update Demographics with the Account Demographics EditorGuidance on how to update demographics using the account demographics editor
Age and Tenure Demographics
Decide between partial or full imports when updating employee dataGuidance on the differences between a partial or full import
Import employee data into Culture AmpLearn how to import your employee data via HRIS integration or manual upload. Get steps for full and partial imports & troubleshooting tips.
How to troubleshoot common user import errorsResolve common import errors. Learn to diagnose issues, fix duplicate IDs, handle demographic errors, and ensure successful data uploads.
Add Your HierarchySet up your hierarchy in Culture Amp for leader-based reports and performance tools. Follow steps to prepare, import, and validate data.
How to Troubleshoot Hierarchy ErrorsGuidance on how you can troubleshoot hierarchy errors when importing your user data
Add or Update Users IndividuallyGuidance on how to add or update existing users profile manually in the platform
Understanding Deactivated vs. Former EmployeesLearn about the differences between deactivated and former employees
Changing an employee’s name in Culture AmpHow to change an employee's name in Culture Amp
Removing participants from a live surveyCulture Amp auto-removes inactive users from live surveys if they haven't submitted a response. Learn more about this platform behavior.
Integrations & API
Integrate Culture Amp with your other Systems (HRIS, SFTP, Slack, SSO, MS Teams) and exchange data via API.
HRIS IntegrationsIntegrate Culture Amp with your HRIS to automatically sync / transfer data between the two platforms.13 articles
SFTP IntegrationsSend your employee data to Culture Amp via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).11 articles
Merge APISync data from your HRIS using the Merge API12 articles
Culture Amp APISecurely get data from Culture Amp for use in your systems2 articles
Reporting API1 article
SSOLearn how to set up Google or SAML SSO2 articles
Flow of Work IntegrationsSlack and MS Teams4 articles
Compensation IntegrationsConnect Culture Amp to your Compensation platform6 articles